2024-10-10 | Dr. Arimeeta Chakraverty
10 Signs You Need a Root Canal: Don’t Ignore These Symptoms

Root canal treatment (RCT) is a crucial procedure to save a damaged or infected tooth from extraction. Unfortunately, many people tend to ignore the early warning signs of dental issues, which can lead to worsening conditions and the need for more invasive treatment. Understanding the signs that you may need a root canal can help you seek prompt care and preserve your natural tooth. In this article, we will cover 10 common symptoms that indicate the need for a root canal. If you're experiencing any of these signs, it’s important to consider RCT in Kolkata to avoid further complications.

What Is a Root Canal?

Before we dive into the signs, it's important to understand what a root canal treatment entails. Root canal therapy is a procedure used to treat infected or damaged pulp—the soft tissue inside the tooth. This tissue contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that help the tooth grow. When the pulp becomes infected due to decay, cracks, or injury, it causes immense pain and discomfort. Root canal treatment removes the damaged pulp, cleans the inside of the tooth, and seals it to prevent further infection.

Let’s explore the top 10 warning signs that could indicate the need for an RCT.

1. Persistent Tooth Pain

One of the most common signs that you need root canal treatment in Kolkata is continuous tooth pain. This discomfort is usually severe and can persist for weeks or even months. The pain can vary in intensity, from mild to sharp, and it may worsen when you chew, talk, or even touch the tooth. Toothaches are a clear indication that the tooth pulp is inflamed or infected, requiring prompt treatment.

Why It Happens

When the pulp inside your tooth becomes infected or inflamed, it presses against the nerves, causing constant pain. While over-the-counter pain relievers may offer temporary relief, the problem won't go away without proper dental care.

What to Do

If your tooth pain is not subsiding with basic treatment, it’s time to visit a dentist specializing in RCT in Kolkata. Ignoring the pain can lead to complications, including the spread of infection to nearby teeth or gums.

2. Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

If you experience sensitivity when drinking hot coffee or eating ice cream, it could be a sign that the inner part of your tooth is damaged. Sensitivity to extreme temperatures that lingers after the trigger is removed may indicate that the tooth’s nerve is damaged, a common reason for needing root canal treatment.

Why It Happens

When the pulp inside your tooth is inflamed or infected, it can cause the tooth to react more strongly to temperature changes. The damaged pulp makes the tooth more susceptible to temperature extremes, leading to prolonged discomfort.

What to Do

Persistent sensitivity is a key sign that you should consult a dentist for RCT in Kolkata. Early diagnosis can save the tooth and prevent the need for extraction and instead get RCT.

3. Discoloration of the Tooth

A tooth that becomes discolored or darkens over time may be an indicator of pulp damage or infection. While tooth discoloration can result from external factors like staining from food or drink, internal tooth decay typically results in a grayish or brownish hue.

Why It Happens

The inner pulp of the tooth may die due to infection, injury, or decay. As the pulp dies, it releases toxins that can discolor the tooth from within, giving it a dull or darker appearance.

What to Do

Tooth discoloration should never be ignored, as it is often a sign of internal damage that may require a root canal treatment in Kolkata to restore the tooth's health.

4. Gum Swelling and Tenderness

Swelling or tenderness around the affected tooth is another common sign that you may need a root canal. This swelling can appear as a localized area of the gum that feels sore or tender to the touch. In some cases, the swelling may even extend to the face or neck, indicating a serious infection.

Why It Happens

The buildup of pus around the infected tooth pulp causes inflammation, leading to swelling in the gums. This is the body's response to fight off the infection, but without proper treatment, the infection can spread further into the bone.

What to Do

Swollen gums that do not subside with general dental care should be addressed immediately. Seek professional help from a specialist offering RCT in Kolkata to prevent further damage to your oral health.

5. Pain While Chewing or Touching the Tooth

If you experience pain while chewing or putting pressure on the affected tooth, it is a clear indication that something is wrong internally. Even mild pressure, such as when you touch the tooth with your tongue or finger, may trigger discomfort.

Why It Happens

When the pulp inside your tooth is infected, it can cause the tooth to become extremely sensitive to pressure. This happens because the infection irritates the nerves surrounding the tooth, causing inflammation and making it difficult to chew without pain.

What to Do

A tooth that hurts while chewing needs immediate attention. Consult a dentist for root canal treatment in Kolkata to avoid permanent damage to the tooth structure.

6. Formation of a Pimple on the Gums

Sometimes, an infected tooth may cause a small pimple or boil-like lesion to form on the gums near the tooth. This is known as a dental abscess, and it often drains pus, leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

Why It Happens

An abscess forms as the body tries to fight the infection inside the tooth by releasing pus. The buildup of bacteria and toxins in the area can cause a small, pus-filled pimple to appear on the gums.

What to Do

An abscess is a clear sign of an advanced infection, and a root canal treatment in Kolkata is likely necessary to remove the infected tissue and save the tooth. Do not ignore this symptom, as it can lead to more severe health problems.

7. Loose Tooth

A tooth that feels loose or wobbly is often an indicator of serious damage or infection within the tooth. This loosening can occur due to the weakening of the ligaments holding the tooth in place as a result of infection.

Why It Happens

The buildup of pus from an infected pulp can weaken the bone and ligaments that support the tooth. As the infection spreads, the tooth may start to loosen, indicating the need for immediate treatment.

What to Do

If your tooth feels loose, schedule a visit with a dentist who specializes in RCT in Kolkata. A root canal can help to stabilize the tooth and prevent further deterioration.

8. Prolonged Jaw Pain

Jaw pain, especially if it is localized near the area of a damaged or infected tooth, can be a sign that you need a root canal. The pain can range from a dull ache to sharp, stabbing discomfort, and it may be worse when you chew or move your jaw.

Why It Happens

An infected tooth can cause the surrounding tissues, including the jawbone, to become inflamed. This can lead to discomfort in the jaw, as the infection may spread beyond the tooth and affect nearby bones and muscles.

What to Do

Jaw pain is a serious symptom that warrants immediate dental attention. Seeking root canal treatment in Kolkata can help to alleviate the pain and prevent the infection from spreading further.

9. Severe Tooth Decay

Visible tooth decay, including deep cavities, dark spots, or holes in the teeth, often signals that the tooth's pulp has been compromised. If decay is left untreated, it can penetrate deeper layers of the tooth, affecting the pulp and causing the need for a root canal.

Why It Happens

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria break down the enamel and dentin, eventually reaching the tooth pulp. When this happens, the tooth may become infected, leading to inflammation and the need for a root canal.

What to Do

Regular dental checkups can help to identify tooth decay early on, but if the decay has reached the pulp, a root canal treatment in Kolkata may be necessary to save the tooth.

10. Chronic Bad Breath or Unpleasant Taste

Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth, even after brushing or using mouthwash, could be a sign of a dental infection. The buildup of bacteria and toxins inside the tooth can cause these unpleasant symptoms.

Why It Happens

When the pulp of the tooth becomes infected, it can release foul-smelling toxins that contribute to bad breath. Additionally, the presence of an abscess or draining pus can leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

What to Do

If you notice chronic bad breath that doesn't improve with regular oral hygiene, it could be time to consult a dentist for root canal treatment in Kolkata. Addressing the underlying infection can resolve the bad breath and restore your oral health.

How Is Root Canal Treatment Done?

The root canal procedure is typically carried out in the following steps:

  • Initial Consultation: Your dentist will examine the tooth, take X-rays, and determine the extent of the damage.
  • Numbing the Area: Local anesthesia is applied to numb the tooth and surrounding tissues, ensuring you feel comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • Cleaning the Pulp: The infected or damaged pulp is removed, and the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  • Sealing the Tooth: Once cleaned, the tooth is filled with a biocompatible material and sealed to prevent further infection.
  • Restoration: In most cases, a crown is placed on the treated tooth to protect it and restore its function.


Ignoring the signs of a tooth infection can lead to more severe dental problems, including tooth loss and infection spreading to other areas of the body. Recognizing these symptoms early on and seeking root canal treatment in Kolkata can save your tooth and prevent further complications. If you're experiencing any of these warning signs, schedule a consultation with a specialist at Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic to ensure your oral health is well taken care of.

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